Mexico recognizes Palestine, joins China axis – US media won’t cover it
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Mexico-based Palestinian-American ex-Veterans Today publisher Johnny Punish says the US is heading for collapse…and that one sign is Mexico’s recognition of Palestine—alongside a sudden surge of Chinese investment that will soon make China, not the US, Mexico’s #1 trading partner. The same process, Johnny says, is playing out everywhere. Trump’s misbegotten policies, including trade wars with everyone, threats to neighbors and allies, shredding of alliances, and looming war with Iran, will implode the US economy leading to civil war and societal collapse…quite possibly sooner rather than later. Get out now!
Johnny Punish: Mexico is 140 million strong. It’s not a small country, unlike popular belief in the United States of Central North America. Those people up there believe that Mexico is a backwater. It’s not. And it’s huge. And President Claudia Scheinbaum recognizing Palestine is a big freaking deal around the world. And what’s got me about that, Kevin, is when I did a search on Google for “Scheinbaum recognized Palestine” and I typed in CNN, nothing comes up. Typed in MSNBC, nothing comes up. ABC, nothing comes up. CBS, nothing. Fox News, nothing’s up. It’s a complete blackout of this news in the United States.
Kevin Barrett: When Trump invades and occupies the entire Americas, then I guess you guys will all be annexed and it’ll all be the United States.
Yeah. The hell he is. Okay, I’ll tell you right now, it’s going to be guerrilla warfare if he ever comes here. I’ll tell you right now. That’s what the Canadians are saying, too. There’s no way. Even the Canadians, they’re so nice and polite, but they’re like using F-words and talking guerrilla warfare. My next-door neighbors are Canadians. I know a lot of Canadians here in Mexico. I’ve never met one in the United States, but they’re all over Mexico. And more are coming here all the time because they’re canceling all their travel to the United States. It’s causing major disruptions for travel.
So this whole thing is absolutely insane, Kevin. I have never seen anything like this in my life. I am appalled, disappointed. frustrated, angry…and excited, because Mexico is kicking some serious ass right now. We just signed a a $25 billion contract with China. We’re pivoting all the way away from the United States. This is not funny for the United States, okay? Bad news, but they’re not getting the bad news. They’re getting the Trump narrative. Hey, everything’s great. We’re going to be billionaires, going to be zillionaires, manufacturing’s coming back.
The hell it is, Kevin. Elon Musk is the number one builder of robots in the United States. By the time his so-called manufacturing goes back to the US, they’re going to be using robots and automation. There’s no jobs coming back…